Baptist Missionary Society
World Mission (BMS)

BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 30 countries on four continents.
Their workers and partners strive every day to make Jesus known and share the full life he brings. From legal work to surgery, food projects to education, BMS works with local partners, providing help where it is most needed, among the most marginalised and least evangelised people in the world.
BMS birthday scheme

We also take part in the BMS birthday scheme. The idea is that as we give thanks for another year of life each birthday, we make a donation that will help bring new life to some of the world’s most disadvantaged people. The scheme primarily supports the health work of BMS and partner organisations around the world. This may be through medical intervention, disease prevention work and the promotion of positive health.
Those who join the scheme receive a birthday card each year from the church’s scheme secretary with a gift envelope inside in which to give a donation.
Please contact us if you would like to know more about how to join the birthday scheme.